ReUser is a RubyGem that makes authorization easy. The DSL was designed with the help of Jon Hogue.
ReUser is a RubyGem that makes authorization easy. The DSL was designed with the help of Jon Hogue.
Diaspora is an open source social network. My contribution to this was small, but it was my first contribution. I hope the Diaspora project has continued success, and I hope to contribute again someday.
Source -- HomepageSimple node.js app to monitor a Campfire room and relay each post to another HTTP endpoint (from the repository's Github).
I helped to convert Flamethrower from using the user's name as the data posted to using the user's Campfire ID. I also implemented support for TextMessages and PasteMessages (descriptions are available on 37signals' developer site).
SourceGithubris is a Ruby wrapper around the GitHub v3 API. Its purpose is to provide a familiar DSL for interacting with the API.
I am the author of Githubris, along with object design assistance from Zee Spencer.
SourceHTTParty is an HTTP client library that provides a simple way to access JSON, XML, HTML, and YAML HTTP APIs.
I added the HTTP method PATCH to HTTParty, as part of my work on Githubris.
Source HomepageRuby on Rails is a full-stack web framework in Ruby.
I have helped with triaging Rails Issues.
Source HomepageNullDB is the Null Object pattern as applied to ActiveRecord database adapters. It is a database backend that translates database interactions into no-ops. Using NullDB enables you to test your model business logic - including after_save hooks - without ever touching a real database.
I have recently joined the NullDB team. I am excited to work with the team and take this project into the future!