My Goals for 2012

by Isaac Sanders

This is a list of things I would like to be true by the end of this year. I am not sure if you all care, but if you do, I would ask that you help keep me accountable. If these goals are not SMART, please comment and explain why. When I say SMART I mean that a goal is:

  • Specific: Does the goal have a clear definition of “Done”?
  • Measurable: Can I see how close I am to “Done”?
  • Attainable: What steps do I need to take to get it “Done”?
  • Relevant: Is this going to be worthwhile?
  • Time-bound: Is this possible in my timeframe (one year)?



I will read at least one book every month, and I will commit to a book before, or early in, the month.

My Reason:

I have a lot of books that are unread. I have a lot of knowledge I need to gather. It will be enriching to read more, as I have not done as much as I like.

Next Steps: I will be finishing The Little LISPer this month, and I will start thinking about what I will read next month.


I will turn down less than 10% of invitations to social gatherings/events and I will try to initiate at least 40 such events over the course of the year.

My Reason:

I sometimes feel lonely, but I also turn down invitations to hang out with friends, coworkers, etc. It is my goal to break that habit and instead be as open to spending time with others as possible.

I believe this will make me happier and I will have a better relationship with those I am around.

Next Steps: Understand why I do this, and work to confront it. I will work to identify opportunities to socialize.

Disclaimer: If the invitation would lead me to do something unethical or illegal, I will turn it down, and not count it towards the goal.


I will lose 25 pounds and I will work to keep that weight off.

My Reason:

I am overweight. I need to work to stop eating as much as I do, and I need to exercise more. This will be my first step in a larger goal.

I believe that this will help me start to live a healthier and more fufilling life.

Next Steps: Weigh myself. Identify areas of weakness and set smaller goals. Find a workout buddy/group.


I will learn a functional language and contribute to the community with some project.

My Reason:

I love to learn, and new ideas interest me. I want to add this tool to my toolbox, and I want to give back to a community that will have helped me as I learn.

Next Steps: I need to choose a language. Then I need to identify resources to learn from.

##What Next?

These are not easy goals. Your support will be appreciated and it will keep me going. If anyone would like to help me, let me know, I will need the help.

Next week is CodeMash. If you are going, I can’t wait to see you.

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